Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is your birthday!

27/4/2012is your birthday dear Joomina :DI am happy without any special reason...hahahaha..yes..imma happy till the maxxxxxxxxxxxx!I got 3 pieces cake with the same outlet from my baby laopo and lovely borther :D2 roasted milk tea :DHow awesome the present..i love them..with all my heart..♥ 
Thanks to lovely papa and mummy :3! Is their big day too..they are always my beloved To be continue for my next post about birthday too..Stay tuned..

Monday, April 23, 2012

Secret medicine

Nothing special is just a medicine from someone ;)
Haha..i almost forget about it and put it on the table.
Thankyou "Someone"

Saturday, April 21, 2012


时间过得超快的 开课的日子近了 我还是改不掉迟睡的习惯 我也懂不行 给我多些时间 我定会把时间转回来 :)

话说 是不是做个聪明的女生 才不会被讨厌? 人总是矛盾的 一时间会断定许多想法 正所谓 一旦有任何事情发生 不要急着把自己的嘴巴张开 稍微把脑子转下 一来避免发生不愉快 二来 那不管你的事-.-
最近我是过到十分满意啦 身心充实 也许我慢慢领悟 知足的道理 安拉 越是在意的事 顺其自然咯 不需要强求一定要怎么样的结果 我发现 之前我就是太追求 太刻意 最后事情不完美 我成为了那个 不被理解 不被珍惜的

偶尔会问自己 是不是都口是心非啦? 其实我心里很在意 可又懂在意没有用 死硬催眠自己 放轻松 没有就没有啦 是不是真的 没有就没有? 没关系?
如果要说不满意 而又要我说出来 又好像显得自己不聪明 小心眼了 不大方 是不会被喜欢的:(
不说出来 自己不开心又装一幅无所谓的样子 又做作?! DaFUQ? 人生有够累吧-.-
我开始为自己设计了plan B..自私一点 我怕我会又在game over咯 到最后 谁可怜你? 回家种番薯蛤? 人笨过一次没关系 笨第二次 不要出门了拉

那个3.12am 我要假假很累的上床睡觉 一天又酱浪费料
one moment change your life ? Agree?

它不是第一名 :) 女生

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello Wednesday!

Hello hello..another insomnia night for joomina here..what so lucky? imma is too pandai..i can hurt my leg two time in a day -.- clap for me hey! 
Fall in the toilet while taking bath..i am so genius huh?
i have no idea WTH is the dot dot things comes on my leg -.- DAFUQ?!! 
I never think that i have to process to doctor to make sure that what is the little cute DOT! :( work so hard in this few months..i had stop shopping and without buying any clothes.. but why i no see any money infront me?! x( Where have you been ? 

Anyway..因祸得福? i realized a lot of people really care about me :3 especially him..teehee i was like a little girl..maybe i just need someone to take care of me :P i don't need a lot money to show how much you care to me..even just a advice..a call to telling me that : Don't make me worry k? imma just needs it!Buahahahah..
alright..patient is always need caring and neither me? :P 

New semester is coming soon..battery is fully charge and get my own ready..i am here waiting to say Hi to my junior..Welcome to TARC! :D

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Had seldom update my blog for a long time..imma is a lazy bitch! :P

Well..i'm enjoying my sem break sad became bored and bored..maybe i just lazy to hang out and always stay inside house..hello..i got nothing to do and no money..except WORKING! no choice..i need money!Tonight is not that bad to me..i learn how to satisfied for everything..期待不高 失望不大..this is just so damn freaking mind is sense of balance to treat everything..i suppose to do that :) A boy,i miss him everytime..i love him..i care about him..i like the relationship between us now..he's my listener..he's good friend..he's my sister,brother :)! I know maybe he's not that good and he hurt me so much before..seriously..i just admire to this person..i never hope that we can be a couple in once a day..i not going to believe what he told me or any promises..i love this this moment! But we been like a couple..he care to me..he say the 3 words to me..he give me a call before going to bed every night..he hug me..we kissed..we holding hand in the club..he always bring a lot of warm to me..he do accept what exactly my look..

*shit! Imma fall into LOVE again..but i more like to be single..i was tired to keep a relationship without any understanding..Fuq Joomina..i hope you will not been cheated by someone else again la..such a stupid fellow! you're not a younger girl anymore! 20 years-old bitch! Be smart la kali ini!